Tips On How To Store A Guitar

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How many times have you seen a beautiful guitar just sitting in the corner of a room, collecting dust? Guitars are meant to be played, not just admired. If you’re not going to play your guitar, then you need to know how to store it properly so that it will stay in good condition.

Here are some tips on how to store a guitar:

How to Store a Guitar?

Whether you only have one guitar or a collection of them, it is in your best interest to be familiar with a few fundamental and practical recommendations for the best way to store them.

If you play your guitar on a daily basis and want to keep it within easy reach, hanging it on the wall or placing it on a stand are both good options for you to consider.

You can display your guitar in the room using a wall hook that has a U-shaped grip that holds it by the headstock. There are also stands that come in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate all types of guitars, from acoustic to electric.

Alternatively, if you have an extensive collection of guitars or do not play as often, storing them in their cases is the best way to protect them from damage.

Whatever method you choose, make sure that the guitar is not placed in an area where it will be exposed to extreme temperatures or moisture, as this can cause the wood to warp and the strings to rust.

4 Tips to Effectively Store Your Guitar

As a guitar owner, you want to take care of your instrument so it lasts for many years. Whether you have an acoustic, electric, or classical guitar, follow these four tips on how to store your guitar:

 Keep The Case Closed

Keeping a guitar in its case, preferably one of high-quality hardshell construction as compared to a guitar bag or a chipboard case that does not fit well, is the most secure method of storing the instrument. If you have more than one guitar, you shouldn’t pile the cases of those guitars on top of each other, even if it may seem like a logical thing to do.

By keeping the case closed, you are ensuring that nothing can fall on top of the guitar and damage it. The case will also protect the guitar from being bumped into by other things in the room and maintain the guitar’s finish.

Keep The String Tension On Neck

If you have an acoustic guitar, it is important that you keep the string tension on the neck when storing the instrument. This can be done by loosening the strings slightly so that they are not under as much pressure.

You can also buy a guitar humidifier, which is a small device that goes inside the guitar case and helps to regulate the humidity levels. This is especially important in places with high humidity, as it can cause the wood to swell and the neck to bend.

 Store It In A Room Temperature

Keep your guitars and other stringed instruments in a room or closet that is closer to the building’s core rather than keeping them next to an exterior wall. This makes it easier to keep the temperature stable and is especially beneficial if you live in a location that is subject to climate fluctuations.

During the dry winter months, you should consider using a case humidifier since the lack of humidity in the air can cause the wood to shrink and crack.

Use A Stand Or Hook

If you are going to be storing your guitar out in the open, it is best to use a stand or hook to keep it off the ground. There are many different types of stands and hooks available that can accommodate both acoustic and electric guitars.

One benefit of using a stand is that it keeps the guitar from being exposed to any liquids that might be on the floor, such as spilled drinks. It also helps to keep the guitar from being stepped on or knocked over.

So, how to store a guitar? By following these tips, you can be sure that your guitar will be stored properly and remain in good condition for many years to come.

Jim Henneberry

Jim Henneberry

I love playing my guitar, and my kids got hooked along with me.
This is a family thing now - why don't you join the family fun? :)